All registered attendees of IEEE VIS are encouraged to attend the workshop. In order to present a paper, it is necessary to have your paper accepted.


We are soliciting papers and presentations covering topics across the visualization spectrum, including visualization design, presentation and storytelling techniques and tools, and more traditional infovis tools for exploration. Work should focus on topics specific to the use of visualization on sports data, rather than general tools or techniques with only a tangential connection to sports data.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Submission guidelines

Submissions for papers can be up to eight pages long, with the length of the submission corresponding to the technique’s contribution. Submissions for posters and demonstrations can be up to two pages long. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the workshop organizers.


Deadline for submissions: September 6, 2013

Notification of acceptance: September 13, 2013

Camera ready papers due: September 27, 2013

Workshop: October 14, 2013


Please email your submissions to

All submissions should be formatted in the IEEE VIS format style. Submissions must be made in PDF.